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Be able to tag audio files using acoustic fingerprinting. Like Shazam and Soundhoud. Then use that information to fill in the ID3.

After identifying the song through acoustic fingerprinting, the information could be automatically filled in the ID3 of the audio file. It would also be able to determine the original occurrence of the song, so they wouldn't be listed as compilation CDs like "Hits Of The 80s".

zerrick_k, 25.11.2011, 10:19
Idea status: under consideration


TagTuner, 25.11.2011, 10:36
There is only one good implementation. And they are money makers. I tried to contact Gracenote about MusicID twice, they stopped responding after asking me about the sales volume. So, I simply can't afford this feature.

Please note, even MusicID is completely useless for classic music.

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